This webpage has been updated with the video recordings of the talks
Workshop Description
The 2022 edition of the annual TAMIDS SciML workshop will be held in person in Blocker 220, in the morning of Tuesday, Nov 8. The aim of this informal workshop is to showcase work by the Texas A&M community on scientific machine learning and to foster the formation of new collaborations. Areas of interest include:
Physics-informed deep neural networks
Physics-informed Gaussian processes
Data-driven model discovery through large-scale simulation
ML-guided acceleration of numerical simulations
Bayesian inference in physical models
Scientific and Engineering applications
Workshop Organization
The workshop is open to all members of Texas A&M. No registration is required to attend. The workshop will comprise short invited talks from Texas A&M speakers, which will consist of a 10-minute presentation plus 5-minute technical discussion. There is a zoom option, and the talks will be recorded and made available later on this webpage. There will be a 30-minute coffee break to foster networking and collaboration.
Nick Duffield, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and TAMIDS Director Welcome
Ulisses Braga-Neto, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and TAMIDS SciML Lab Director Introduction